LipService 6.5
*Lic server will not run on a VM
after you've ordered, here's where you need to go :


We've had some really encouraging feedback on LipService, and firmly believe that we have created an animation/sculpting/rigging system that is lightyears ahead of anything else available, however the product hasn't really hit its stride as a commercial success.

At this time, we've decided to remove this product from the market as a commercial plugin. We need to cope with some staff changes and some higher priority tasks.

We're just not comfortable selling licenses until we can get our capacity back ahead of the pile of stuff we have to do, we are however giving out temp licenses to anyone who wants to try it (and asks nicely), so long as they understand we are short staffed and are using the tool as-is. Send all requests to

It's not shareware, it's still our property, decisions to issue licenses are at our discretion. We hope to resume commercial sales as soon as we feel comfortable with our staff levels and our ability to provide quality support.

Thank you,


PS - we are hiring



(c)2013 joseph alter, inc